The Night Before ACC Had to Close Again

The American Comedy Co, along with The Comedy Store - La Jolla and The Comedy Palace, have all reopened with outdoor shows, social distancing, and limited capacity… until Saturday night.

With no warning, all three clubs were shut down right before Saturday shows were supposed to start. The word is that cops showed up at the same time to all three for a planned attack at comedy clubs. Did they shut down outdoor restaurants? Not that I know of. Does this feel personal against comedy clubs? Yeah. It sucks.

So right now, we’re all trying to keep up with the ever-changing laws and regulations that the city, state, and federal government is imposing. It feels like a day-to-day change but if I’ve learned anything during this pandemic, it’s that the San Diego comedy scene is strong and we will find a way out of this. We will continue to make people laugh. And we will make the show go on.

Here are some highlights from Friday night’s show at ACC with Mike Winfield:


When life keeps you busy…


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